1. Better way to peel mandarin orange.
2. Use orange peel for candles.
3. Ice cream without dairy. Just ripe frozen bananas with a little water.
4. Grate organic lemon rinds and freeze. Add lemon zest to salads, smoothies, cold and hot tea, and water. The rind has more antioxidants than the lemon juice.
5. A watermelon fruit bowl.
6. How to pick a ripe avocado.
7. Fruit cubes.
8. How to keep apple slices fresh.
9. Cut lemons lengthwise, it makes it easier to get juice. Or check out this 66 life changing things you can do with a lemon
10. Proper way to cut a mango.
11. Drink fresh apple juice for vivid dreams.
12. How to make dried fruit without a dehydrator.
13. The perfect apple snacks.
14. Easiest way to deseed pomegranates. Cut it in half as normal, push out the center a bit, then just start whacking the back of it with a wooden spoon into a bowl.
15. Best way to open a banana. This is how monkeys do it too.
16. Frozen grapes make the best snacks. They also chill wine without watering it down.
17. Cut ripe peeled bananas into smaller pieces, then freeze so they are ready for smoothies and make it easier on your blender.
18. Easy way to remove the strawberry leaves.
19. When storing leftover avocado in the refrigerator, keep the seed inside. Later, use the seed to grown your own avocado.
20. Freeze watermelon so you can enjoy watermelon smoothies or other watermelon drinks anytime of the year.
21. Freeze avocados to use at other times. Cut them in half, peel and remove seed. Place into plastic bag and freeze.
Author: Tom Green
If we’re not supposed to have midnight snacks, then why is there a light in the fridge?